# vim: set ic : Send children & teen snack reservations to MMC. "Suggestions: chips and salsa, snack mix, nuts, popcorn, peanut butter, jelly and bread for sandwiches, any kind of fruit, fruit juice, ice cream, sweets such as cookies or brownies, red vines. Since they sell these things in the store they should be available. " NOTE: Mary Miche remembers that a single order of kids snacks was enough for the whole day. Terrill Keeler asked that we find out details of what will be in the snacks to help decide whether to order one or two/kid/day. Buy hdmi-VGA cable * Solicit on-site transport volunteers (with cars or vans) -> Have them contact Sandy Kewman srosekewman@gmail.com * Figure out display table situation. -Outdoor areas? -Somewhere else? SEND EMAIL TO DISPLAY/VENDORS WITH SPACE ASSIGNMENTS * Send info packet to all IG presenters *tentative* space assignments WiFi usage restrictions What they should bring which we won't.